Active Ingredient: 240 g/l Clethodim
Formulation : Emulsion concentrate (EC)
Packaging : 1 l, 500 ml
PADLOCK® 240 EC is a selective and systemic herbicide used against common cultivated plants (wheat-barley) with the annual and perennial grass with weeds in the young periods of the weeds provided that after the emergence in broad-leaved cultivated plants. It is taken into the stem immediately by the leaves immediately after the administration. It moves up to the roots by moving in plant tissue. It prevents the germination by drying completely by affecting rhizomes especially in perennial herbs such as harding grass. Since it leaves no residue in the soil, it does not cause any problems in the product alternation. Padlock® 240 EC should be used in post-emergence young weeds during their active growth stage (2-6 leaves). If herbicides are to be used against broad-leaved weeds in areas which have already been sprayed with Padlock® 240 EC, they should be applied at least 24 hours later.
Method Of Application
-A second spraying can be done if germination is seen in perennial weeds.
-Do not cultivate the soil in any way for 7 days before and after spraying.
-If rain is expected within an hour, postpone spraying.
-In areas where irrigation is done, do the spraying 4-5 days after irrigation.
-Use fan nozzles for spraying, if possible.
Compatibility: Not to be mixed with other products.